Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bone Supplements Prevent Breast Cancer

Do you know if restorative properties of bone that was also useful to prevent breast cancer.

This preliminary conclusion resulting from the study of 151,592 female participants, in which 2216 participants are taking bisphosphonates or amplifier bone to prevent osteoporosis, at the beginning of the study.

Checked during the seven years later it was discovered only 31 percent of the participants who drank bone supplements with breast cancer. Positive benefits of this supplement to dominate, even after the researchers put a variety of factors, such as age, smoking habits, weight, hormones, and other factors that affect bone density and breast cancer.

Although this is not enough research to prove the benefits of these supplements for cancer prevention, but enough to give hope. Moreover, many women who consume these tablets bone amplifier.

However, experts still do not understand how these tablets work, whether because the bones become more resilient against the spread of cancer, or because the drug has side benefits as antitumor capable of preventing the emergence of cancer.

Other studies confirm the benefits of a tablet for the prevention of cancer is a study conducted in Israel experts. In a 2000 study comparing postmenopausal women with breast cancer in 2000 who did not have breast cancer, known from 29 percent of patients taking bisphosphonates first group.

However, these bone tablets is known to have side effects of pain in muscles and joints. Until now the recommended drugs to prevent breast cancer in healthy women is inhibiting hormone called tamoxifen and raloxifene.


  1. tamoxifen can be use as prevention drugs also?
    i guess its only for the breast cancer treatment..

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  2. nice work.............
    keep it up, the info iz good

  3. nice... bro get comment
