Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Vitamin K, Blood and Bones friend

Once your child suddenly bounced from the bike. Calves graze so dripping blood. Small wound was then cleaned using cotton with a slightly suppressed. Before long, the blood stopped dripping and minor injuries were closed so the kids played tape bicycle again.

What makes the blood stops dripping with itself so you do not have to deal with reporters? Yes .. That is one important use of vitamin K. This vitamin is a vital requirement for the synthesis of several proteins including blood clotting. Also called coagulation vitamin, this vitamin in charge of guarding konsitensi the blood flow and freeze when needed. Soluble vitamins fat also plays an important role in bone formation and maintenance of the kidney. Type
Vitamin K is found in three different forms. The first is vitamin K1 or phylloquinone, which is kind of found and produced plants. The second is the K2, or menaquinone are also called, prepared by the beneficial bacteria in the digestive systems. And the third is a K3 or menadione is a vitamin made for those who are unable to absorb from food.

The entire vitamin K in your body is processed in the liver which will be used to produce substances that can make your blood freeze. Besides a role in coagulation, this vitamin is also essential for bone formation, especially species K1. Vitamin K1 was required for the absorption of calcium for bones to be the maximum and make sure no one target.

What is the need?
According to the standard RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance), vitamin K, a person needs depends on the weight. For adults, at least take 1 microgram per day per kg of body weight. So, if you weigh 50 kg then the need to reach 50 micrograms per day.

Source of vitamin K
To meet the needs of vitamin C is quite easy because in addition to relatively small numbers, our digestive systems contain bacteria that can synthesize vitamin K, which partially absorbed and stored in the liver. But as soon as the body needs to get more vitamin K from food.

Most sources of vitamin K in the body is synthesized by bacteria in the digestive system, but you can get vitamin K from foods such as liver, vegetables, green leafy vegetables similar kobis (cabbage) and milk.

Vitamin K in high concentrations are also found in soy milk, green tea, milk cows, and beef and liver. The types of probiotic foods, like yogurt that contains active healthy bacteria, can help stimulate the production of this vitamin.

Deficiency Symptoms
If vitamin K is not contained in the body, blood can not be frozen. This may mislead bleeding or hemorrhagic. However, vitamin K deficiency is rare because almost all of orag acquire and bacteria in the intestines from food. But the shortage may occur in infants because their digestive systems are sterile and do not contain bacteria that can synthesize vitamin K, breast milk contains only small amounts of vitamin K. For that baby is given a number of vitamin K at birth.

In adults, deficiency can occur due to lack of consumption of vegetables or taking too long antobiotik. Antibiotics can kill beneficial bacteria in the gut that produce vitamin K. Sometimes vitamin K deficiency caused by liver disease or digestive problems.

You also may experience toxicity of vitamin K. This occurs only in people who received vitamin K replacement water soluble. The symptoms are hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells), jaundice and brain damage.

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